No General Business Licenses / Illegal Business
Sec. 10-25. General Business License
(a) Filing limit. Any business establishing itself within the corporate city limits must file for a general business license within 30 calendar days of establishment in the controller's office.
(b) Required. It shall be unlawful for any person to own, operate, or manage any business or place of amusement, profession, or occupation for which a license is required, unless or until a license has been procured from the city controller, which shall then and there be issued by the city controller upon the payment of the amount of license tax required therefor by the specific requirements indicated in chapter 20, the schedule of fees, or by this section.
(c) Fee. There shall be a one-time application fee in the amount established in chapter 20. However, the fee shall be waived for any business which, by ordinance, is required to annually obtain a business license.